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The Journey to Going Diaper Free: Tricks, Tips, and More!
The Journey to Going Diaper Free: Tricks, Tips, and More!
Brella 101

The Journey to Going Diaper Free: Tricks, Tips, and More!

The Journey to Going Diaper Free: Tricks, Tips, and More!


Thinking of transitioning your child to use the toilet independently? We’re here to help! You know your child best, so we encourage you to look for signs that they’re ready. And most importantly, make it a positive experience for both you and your little one. Follow along with our easy-to-use guide below!

How to know the time is right? Check out the top 10 signs of readiness:
  • Have control over their bowel and bladder- generall
  • Able to stay dry for 2 hours at a time
  • Recognizes when they are peeing and pooping by either telling you or going in another room or behind furniture for privacy
  • Poops at predictable times
  • Doesn’t like to be in dirty diapers
  • Can follow one-step directions
  • Imitates you and others
  • Shows interest in potty and wearing underwear
  • Has an ”I can do it!” attitude
  • Can walk, pull down pants and get on the potty independently


Now what? 6 Steps to beginning the process: 

One method we find works well is the Oh Crap! Potty Training Method By Jamie Glowacki:

1. Get rid of diapers. Keep your child naked all day and really watch them. When they start to pee or poop put them on the potty and say “Pee/poop goes in the potty” (1-4 days) [Note: make sure to do this on a long weekend or at a time when you and your child can remain home]

2. Put pants/shorts/dress on but no underwear. If they feel tightness they will think it is a diaper. Dress them in loose clothes. Short outings after they use the toilet. (1-4 weeks) [Note: if your child is in school during this phase, coordinate with the teachers ahead of time so they are prepared to support your efforts. And don’t forget to pack extra clothes]

3. Take longer outings. Make sure they pee before you leave. Author suggests night training at the same time. It’s okay to do it separately.

4. Introduce underwear. 3-5 weeks after starting.

5. Look for signs that your child is self-initiating. Ease up on prompting but don’t stop.Prompt at appropriate transitions.

6. Wait to introduce underwear at naps and bedtime until your child wakes up consistently with a dry diaper. *Author suggests starting between 20-30 months but can be done later.


Products we love to help support your child’s journey:


BabyBjörn  Potty Chair

Potty Chair for potty training


BABYBJORN  Toilet Trainer

Toilet Training Seat White/Gray BabyBjörn



Step Stool for potty training

Kalencom Potette Plus Premium 2 in 1

Polette for potty training

Sand Hourglass Timer

Timer for potty training

Flushable wipes (avoid toilet clogging wipes!)

Flushable wipes for potty training and for kids


Books for Parents:

Oh Crap Potty Training By Jamie Glowacki

Diaper-Free Before 3 By Jill M. Lekovic

Books for Children:

Going to the Potty: Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood- First Experiences By Fred Rogers

Once Upon a Potty (Versions available for girls and boys. There is also a sound version available with different sound buttons to push including the sound of a toilet flushing) By Alona Frankel

Potty By Leslie Patricelli


Remember, there’s no rush. At Brella, we’re all about taking these important milestones  at your child’s pace. Every kiddo is different, so we focus on their readiness, not their age. We are excited to embark on this journey with you and your little one! 

Download our helpful Potty Talk PDF for a copy of this information, additional helpful tips, and more!

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